
Bachelor in Paradise Nathan Favro caught drink driving

He tried flee.
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Bachelor In Paradise star Natha Favro has just done a very stupid thing.


Watch his very strange reaction to his sentencing below.

Ali Oetjen’s Bachelorette reject was caught drink driving at Byron Bay on February 9.

The Daily Telegraph report that he was pulled over by police at about 3am after he failed to slow down at a give way sign.

After they breathalysed the reality star who had a reading of .147 – losing his license on the spot.


Officials arrested him, placing him in their car to take him down to the police station.

This is where things get messy.

The police report states: “Favro flung off his seatbelt and attempted to open the rear nearside passenger door by pushing hard on the door a number of times and also moving the handle up and down rapidly. Favro was attempting to flee from the vehicle.”


The car had the child safety lock on, leaving Nathan in the car.

“Yeah that was stupid I know,” Favro reportedly told the cops.

The 23-year-old front Manly Courts where he lost his licence for three months, received a fine of $800.


His sentence was lessened because he underwent Traffic Offenders Rehabilitation Program (TORP) after his charge was laid.”

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