Why Watching & Juliet Made Me a Cool Mum

Don’t miss your chance to see this epic musical!

I need to tell you that you are all fans of Max Martin and you don’t even know it. Never heard of the guy? Wouldn’t know him if he popped up in your soup? Believe me, you know him.

Max has been there for all of your teen angst and your first loves, and for that epic karaoke night you had with your friends.

OK, enough with the games, you need to know who he is? WELL he is the mastermind songwriter behind pop classics such as “…Baby One More Time” by Britney Spears “I Kissed A Girl” by Katy Perry and “It’s My Life’ by Bon Jovi. And that is just to name a few!

& Juliet Sydney
(Credit: Getty)

If like me these songs are regularly coming up on your Spotify wrapped list each year (and yes I know these songs are from the late 90s) then you need to dust off your dancing shoes and head to the Sydney Lyric Theatre to see the pop musical & Juliet.

How are your favourite pop anthems connected to the Shakespearean play you might ask?

The genius behind TV sitcom Schitt’s Creek, David Read West has written a fun musical that starts with turning the traditional Romeo & Juliet storyline on its head. Instead of the star-crossed lovers both dying under tragic circumstances, the idea proposed is: What if Juliet wakes up? And doesn’t die. How would her life be different?

& Juliet Sydney
(Credit: Getty)

The musical, which is set to all of Max Martin’s epic songs, is a fun look at “what next?’ and champions the idea of people following their dreams and being true to who they really are.

And it’s not just the song list that will get you, it’s the epic cast on stage performing all of the hits.

Rob Mills and Casey Donovan join forces for a little Australia Idol reunion and remind us all why in the early noughties we were texting furiously for them to stay an extra week in the reality TV show. They are fantastic on stage and bring the energy tenfold.

But the jewel in the crown is indeed Lorina May Merrypor as Juliet. Watching her work that stage, belting out those notes and having the entire audience cheering her on was wonderful to watch.

& Juliet Sydney
(Credit: Getty)

I took my five-year-old daughter along to see it, as it is a great entry point to musicals for kids. And why yes she didn’t understand the storyline and the nuances of the jokes, she did LOVE the music and since we have seen the show has repeatedly asked for “I Want It That Way” by the Backstreet Boys. And for this millennial mum, that is a win in my books!

Don’t miss your chance to see this epic musical that leaves you feeling inspired about life. & Juliet is currently showing at Sydney Lyric Theatre, with tickets beginning at $79. Buy Tickets, Here.

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