
Bella Varelis reveals the telltale sign Brooke wins The Bachelor

"We now know that Brooke is the one Jimmy ends up with"
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With the highly-anticipated Bachelor finale just hours away, last year’s runner up Bella Varelis has revealed the telling clues that Brooke Cleal wins Jimmy Nicholson’s heart.


WATCH Bella Varelis’ Bachelor finale prediction

On Wednesday night’s episode, Jay Lal was sent home, leaving Brooke and favourite-to-win Holly Kingston left vying for the pilot’s final rose.

Jimmy Nicholson, Brooke Cleal
Bella said that based on Brooke’s edit, it’s “obvious” she wins Jimmy’s heart. (Credit: Ten)

While watching last night’s penultimate episode, Bella – who was runner up on Locky Gilbert’s season last year – said it is “obvious” Brooke wins.


Based on the edit, we now know that Brooke is the one Jimmy ends up with,” she told her 110,000 Instagram followers.

“Key points for that is the music that’s used is all magical and twinkly and lovey dovey.”

Bella Varelis
While watching last night’s episode, Bella – who was runner up on Locky Gilbert’s season last year – said it is “obvious” Brooke wins. (Credit: Ten)

“She’s the only one that Jimmy actually spoke about his feelings in response to how she feels. With the other girls he just sat there, or [the producers] cut out if he said anything to them in the edit.”


The 26-year-old also pointed out that Brooke has received the most screen time over  the past few episodes.

Bella said it would be cute if Brooke were to win, given her and Jimmy’s “strong connection from the beginning”.

Despite putting money on the 27-year-old occupational therapist stealing Jimmy’s heart, Bella said the pilot would have been well suited to Holly. 

Holly Kingston
Despite her prediction, Bella said she hopes Jimmy chooses Holly. (Credit: Ten)

“From what we can see in this episode, they’re not showing any signs of conflict and it’s a really positive, natural connection,” she said.

“I hope he chooses Holly but God knows on this bloody television show.”

Bella has changed her tune after earlier predicting Holly would be the final woman standing. 

“My girl got the magic music,” she said during last month’s premiere, hinting the marketing manager wins.

Brooke Cleal
Bella also pointed out that Brooke has received the most screen time over of the past few episodes. (Credit: Ten)

There have been many theories as to how The Bachelor tries to hint at the winner over the years.

From the “first girl to exit the limo”, to the “magical music” as she and Bachie share their first conversation, all the way to who is wearing the lighter dress at the finaleBachelor fans have become experts at formulating theories as to how Channel Ten hints at the show’s winner year in and year out.

Currently, both Sportsbet and TAB predict an identical winner for Jimmy Nicholson.


The predicted winner, Holly, has been listed as a 1.30 on Sportsbet, and a 1.10 on TAB, while Brooke’s odds stand at 3.25 and 6.00. 

Jay Lal
Jay was a clear frontrunner after receiving the key to the business lounge on the first episode, but Jimmy started having doubts over the 31-year-old’s intentions. (Credit: Ten)

Following Jay’s departure from the show on Wednesday night, the nutritionist took to Instagram to share her disappointment.

“The Queens Gambit has always been my opening, and it’s always been a good one (except that one time on national TV). My middle game, that’s the adventure. But my end game, well that has always been my downfall,” Jay wrote on Instagram.


“Unfortunately, I never captured the King… but what I can say is that I have met some amazing Queeeeens! Some of the most intelligent, beautiful, and empowering women I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing.”

Jay was a clear frontrunner after receiving the key to the business lounge on the first episode, but Jimmy started having doubts over the 31-year-old after rumours she was only on the show for fame kept popping up.

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