MAFS star Jessika shows off disturbing breast pictures

The results of her breast lift
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Married At First Sight‘s Jessika Power took to Instagram to show off her recent boob job on Sunday.

The reality star underwent a $16,000 cosmetic procedure and decided to share graphic before and after pictures with her followers.

In the disturbing images, the 27-year-old’s breasts appeared to be severely bruised from the surgery.

WATCH: Jessika Power in pain after cosmetic surgery

The surgery was pricey, but Jessika stated that it was worth it for her.

The procedure involved removing fat from her “problem areas” and adding it to her breasts.

“I had the smallest little bit of unwanted fat on the side of my thighs that I wanted to remove so two birds one stone,” Jessika said in a video.


Jessika shared before and after photos from her breast lift.
Jessika shared before and after photos from her breast lift. (Credit: Instagram)
Jessika Power shared graphic images of her breasts following her procedure.
Jessika Power shared graphic images of her breasts following her procedure. (Credit: Instagram)

However, the procedure has come with several downsides, including the fact she is currently unable to exercise. 

“I had the surgery done a little while ago now, just a few weeks ago, and I still find I can’t run like I normally would,” she said in the video.

Jessika Power had a $16 000 breast lift.
Jessika Power had a $16 000 breast lift. (Credit: Instagram)

The MAFS‘ star also said that she was still experiencing pain in her thigh area.

“The jolting hurts the side of my thighs but my boobs they recovered really really fast.”

Since filming for Married At First Sight ended, Jessika has spent more than $50,000 on cosmetic procedures. 

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