EXCLUSIVE: Chris Sebastian’s miscarriage heartbreak

Chris Sebastian is set to be one of the ones to watch on The Voice this year, but the singer has spoken out about a personal tragedy he and his wife endured.
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Chris Sebastian is set to be one of this year’s most memorable contestants on The Voice.

The singer blew everyone away with his blind audition – including coach Guy Sebastian – who just so happens to be his brother.

But in 2018, Chris and his wife Tash were rocked by the devastating news that Tash had miscarried at the start of her second trimester, and Chris tells WHO that he struggled to process the tragedy.

WATCH BELOW: Chris Sebastian makes his brother Guy Sebastian cry on The Voice.

In November 2018, Tash was a bridesmaid at her friend’s wedding and found out she was miscarrying the night before the big day.

Chris admits that they “discovered a new type of sadness that day since they’d been so excited about the pregnancy and told their family,” but found solace by writing his song Soon.

“That song was a turnaround for me,” Chris tells WHO.

“I know that people have their own stories when it comes to miscarriage, but for me I put this unrealistic pressure on myself to be the man and not be upset or show emotion and I wish I didn’t.”

Chris Sebastian and wife
Chris and wife Tash. (Credit: Instagram)

Chris admits that whilst he wanted to be a supportive role and be there for Tash, he wasn’t able to process the news properly and was trying to be “the strong one”, so he decided to write a song.

“I wanted it to be sad and for people to feel sadness and I tried that for about an hour, but nothing came out, so then I reversed it and started thinking about it a bit more positively,” he explains.

“Honestly the song wrote itself – I know people say that and it sounds like a cop out, but realistically and truthfully speaking I don’t remember writing those lyrics.”

“I sat there and I was a mess on my studio floor and I wrote it down I reckon all within an hour which never happens for me. I go over lyrics so pedantically but this time it wasn’t the case. For me, I think it fixed me, I think it gave me a bit more hope and I felt like I got a lot of healing from it.”

Chris Sebastian
The Voice star wrote a song during his period of grief. (Credit: Nine)

Chris admits that toxic masculinity affected him during the period and says that whilst things are different for women experiencing a miscarriage, his advice to men is to be content and OK to show emotion.

“There’s a pressure to not show emotions and feelings, but it’s just not real life – it’s unhealthy holding that kind of stuff in and it only leads to bad things later on,” he says.

The Voice star also recommends men going through a similar experience to have open discussions with their partner.

“I remember when I showed that side to Tash – it kind of brought us that little bit closer together because we’re both in this together, so just being honest and ok with feelings. You’re never alone,” he adds.

Chris Sebastian family
Chris and Tash with their daughter, Ava. (Credit: Instagram)

Chris and Tash are now proud parents to their daughter Ava, whom they welcomed in March this year.

“It’s so good,” Chris says of new dad life. “Obviously it can be difficult at times, but literally the second she smiles, you just forget about it. It’s pretty funny – I never thought that would be possible, but it’s been amazing.:

He added: “It’s honestly ridiculous. I’d heard about it a million times – I was like ‘Oh yeah I’m sure it’s great.’ Then it happens and it just floors you.”

Chris Sebastian baby
Chris is loving being a dad. (Credit: Instagram)

She may only be a couple of months old, but Chris reckons Ava has inherited a lot more from her mum.

“I think she looks exactly like my wife. I know that their eyes change a lot – I’ve got quite light eyes and if she’s in the sunlight her eyes are sort of starting to change to a light green, which would be cool. I think that’s probably the only trait she’s going to get from me,” he explains.

Chris adds that he’ll “100 per cent” be teaching his daughter how to sing when she gets a bit older.

“My wife’s a dancer as well so I think she’s going to be getting the best of both worlds.”

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