Erin McNaught and husband Example’s loved-up eighth anniversary tributes

"Not a day goes by that we don’t have fun."
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She’s endured gruelling tasks on SAS Australia, danced her heart out on Dancing With The Stars and modelled around the world, and for the last eight years, Erin McNaught has had her husband Elliott Gleave (better known as Example) by her side for it all.

WATCH BELOW: Erin McNaught on having a miscarriage

Taking to Instagram on Tuesday evening, the former Miss Australia shared a snap of her and Example’s wedding day.

Whilst her husband points at the camera with a serious look on his face, Erin can be seen entering the frame from the side with a massive and playful smile across her face.

“Our wedding day – 8 years ago today! Pretty typical interaction for us in this pic right here… Not a day goes by that we don’t have fun,” she captioned the snap.

“We have our very own made up language, can talk under wet cement, are always the biggest kids in the park, and can’t stand people who walk slowly (don’t even get me started on driving 😂😂) Thanks for matching my weird with your weird… God knows what we’ll be like in another 8 years but I am here for it, baby 😉🥳🥰 Happy anniversary @example.”

“Pretty typical interaction for us in this pic right here… Not a day goes by that we don’t have fun.” (Credit: Instagram)

Example shared his own tribute to Erin with a collage of photos from their big day as well as several photos of the couple through the years.

“8 years married today… we didn’t even realise until yesterday,” he remarked in his caption.

“I guess every day together is a celebration. (We’ll be 10 years together in October) Please scroll to see how many amazing outfits Ezzy has had over the years… and how many (awful great) haircuts I’ve had.

“Here’s to many more years of outfits and haircuts ☺️😘 @mcnaughty (why have we still not learnt to smile in pictures ??? Yet we spend all day long giggling like idiots).”


Fans, including many of Erin’s former reality TV co-stars congratulated the couple on eight years of marriage.

“Great couple energy,” noted SAS Australia winner Merrick Watts.

“Awww! Congrats!!!” exclaimed fellow SAS star Ali Oetjen.

Meanwhile Renee Bargh, who recently appeared on Dancing With The Stars alongside Erin penned: “Love you two!”

Erin and Example met in 2011 and tied the knot two years later. (Credit: Instagram)

The model and musician were introduced in 2011 when Erin interviewed Example while working as a presenter for MTV.

After a brief courtship, Erin relocated to Example’s hometown of London, where they resided for the next six years.

“Erin saved me from an early death,” he admitted to The Sun.

“I was partying too much back in the day. You’re burning the candle at both ends, doing 120 festivals a year, 100 flights a year and you’re partying four or five nights a week. I was lying to my ex and cheating on her. I wasn’t close to my mum or dad or my sister any more, so Erin coming into my life helped me mend all those things.”

The pair wed just two years after meeting, near Ballina, just outside of Byron Bay and share sons Evander Maxwell and Ennio Stanley.

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