From the moment Josh and Amy were introduced during Albert and Dave’s Instant Restaurant on My Kitchen Rules, the seafood lovers from Broome prepared their fellow diners for what they would bring to the table.
“Josh pretty much clashes with anyone,” Amy said, “so I’ll just have to sit back and wait for that.”
She didn’t have to wait for long. Josh gave tough assessments of Albert and Dave’s plates and proclaimed, “In the kitchen, I’m the boss.” He set the tone both he and Amy promised WHO before the show began: “We tell it like it is and don’t hold back.”
Now, Group Two contestants give WHO a glimpse of what’s to come with the deckhand and his teacher wife.
With Josh and Amy, “it’s black and white,” says Amanda, who cooks with her sister Kelsey tonight on MKR (7.30 PM on Seven). “There is no grey area.”
Adds Duncan, a project manager from Melbourne, “If Josh has an opinion, and someone else is saying something, Josh would say what he has to say. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that he’s young because that’s quite juvenile behaviour.”
Tully, a Brisbane-based nurse working in indigenous health, says, “Josh is very confrontational. He will always say exactly what comes to his mind whether that thing is hurtful or not. He really as no filter. Sometimes that’s a great thing but sometimes a bit of a cringy thing. I think it’s a fine balance that Josh needs to work out.”
The Josh juggernaut may not be slowing down as he and Amy get into it with Alyse and Matt, the newlyweds from Brisbane, during Kelsey and Amanda’s Instant Restaurant. “Away from the setting of the show, he’s actually more inquisitive and he’ll ask you questions and stuff,” concedes Matt, a physiotherapist. “But I do think he ramps up his personality for the show.”
Tully’s teammate Della, a construction lawyer, adds, “I think he’s naturally very abrupt, honest and straightforward. He plays it up a bit more for the cameras, but he wanted to get a rise out of people.”
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