If there’s been a buzz word on Married At First Sight this season, it has to be “type.”
Between Bryce informing his wife Melissa that he usually goes for tanned, blue-eyed, blonde girls (before quickly adding that she’s “not ugly”) and Sam telling Coco that he “needs” a girl with big boobs, there’s been a lot of talk about physical attraction this series, mainly from the guys.
On Tuesday night, we saw the couples take on a MAFS first with Confession Week where they were asked to rank which of the brides and grooms they found themselves most attracted to. Because if that doesn’t amp up the drama, what will?
Whilst some couples only had eyes for their spouse, others were still fixated on looks and uttered that overused phrase “not my type” once again.
These days, it’s easy to see why your type dictates your dating life. We’re obsessed with the nitty gritty – they have to have dark eyes, be the same age and be tall but not so tall that you have to wear heels every time you go out.
Physical attraction is obviously important when it comes to dating and relationships, but when we focus on the specific details and put those filters on – especially when online dating – we miss out on potentially meeting someone great.
According to Dan Slater’s Love in the Time of Algorithms, the first online-dating services tried to find matches for clients based almost exclusively on what clients said they wanted.
However, after analysing clients’ behaviours, dating sites soon discovered that the kind of partner people said they were looking for often didn’t match up with the kind of partner they were actually interested in.
Going back to MAFS, of the three lasting couples matched on the show, two of them have confessed that the physical attraction wasn’t instant when they first met.
Speaking on The Babble podcast in September last year, season six groom Cam Merchant revealed that both he and Jules Robinson weren’t that physically attracted to each other when they met on their reality TV wedding day.
“I was way too short and Jules was red-haired, curvaceous, tall and I thought ‘This is a stitch up here!’ But once we met and sort of locked eyes, there was this comfortable warmness that came over and all the judgement went out the window,” he explained.
He added: “We were able to put all that s*** aside and see what’s actually on the inside and we fell in love that way.”
Cam and Jules are not only still together but they’re officially married and have welcomed their son, Oliver Chase.
Cam and Jules’ season six co-star Martha Kalifatidis also confessed that when she first laid eyes on her MAFS groom Michael Brunelli, he was not her usual type. In fact, she told Shameless podcast co-hosts Michelle Andrews and Zara McDonald that she thought he looked like a “schoolboy.”
“Not that I wasn’t attracted to him because he wasn’t ugly but he wasn’t the type of guy that I’d be like, ‘Oh my God put my heart into a meat grinder,'” she said.
“He was not that person for me but the first night we went home together after the wedding it just felt so comfortable and weirdly ok.”
Fast forward to now and Martha and Michael are very much still together and living in Sydney.
Whether you’re looking for love on national TV or in the real world, perhaps it’s time to loosen the reins on those physical specifics – who knows, it could change your life.
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