What drew you to the film Sing and Meena?
They approached me! I guess they were looking for a specific voice and I was like, okay. It surprised me because I was not expecting to get any sort of opportunity like this but I’ve always wanted to do something like this. When I got the part I was thrilled. I feel in love with Meena. She’s this loveable shy elephant, so I just tried to channel any sort of nerves into her. It was a dream to play her and she’s great.
She gets a little stage fright. Where you a shy kid growing up? Did you get stage fright?
I did. I was always able to get the song out, somehow. I did a lot of singing competitions as a kid but I was watching back the different videos as a kid and I was very stiff and very nervous and freaked out but I knew I loved to sing, I felt such a connection with Meena because she knew she loved to sing, she couldn’t get over that one hump to go for it.
Do you have advice?
I think, for me, there wasn’t a specific moment where it went away. For me, with each performance, it just got better and better. I think I just realized finally that its not that the nerves were a bad thing,I just had to channel them into the performance really. I think there is a healthy nerves and healthy butterflies that make you excited. So just get!
Do you want to do more film? Will we see you on the big screen in person?
Maybe, yes, I think it depends on the role and where I am at in life, but I think I’m always going to put music first! That’s my true love. But we will see.
True love is music – growing up, did you always want to be a singer?
Honestly it was. I didn’t ever really have a plan B outside of music. Even if I didn’t become a singer, I knew I had to do something with it, whether it was writing or producing. So I feel really blessed that I have been able to do it for this long and hopefully I will be able to continue to do it because I love it so much.
You were at a party with Niall. Are you going to collaborate together?
I would love to. His new stuff that’s coming out is great. I’m really proud of him. And we are label buddies now, so, you never know!
What does Christmas look like for you?
Time off and family stuff. Holidays are for me, and hopefully for other people too are about shutting down, not working for a while, sort of get more energy for the next year.
Are you a big Christmas caroler?
No, that’s where the Meena comes out and I get really shy to sing in front of people. But I will join in if its with friends.
For more on this story, pick up a copy of WHO on sale now.
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