Sophie Monk spills: ‘I’ve never been happier’

The Beauty and the Geek host introduces WHO to her fiancé and dishes on her very unique wedding and baby plans.

Sophie Monk and her fiancé Joshua Gross are the kind of couple who finish each other’s sentences and laugh at each other’s jokes.

WATCH BELOW: Sophie Monk and Joshua Gross celebrate at their engagement party

Gross – who’s accompanied Monk to WHO’s exclusive photo shoot – patiently scrolls his phone while Monk is in the makeup chair but makes sure she’s well looked after during the prep, supplying her with a large skim flat white and water. “He’s got my back and he’s just so considerate,” says Monk, 41.

While Gross, who works in neurosurgical robotics, prefers to let Monk do most of the talking, he admits he knew she was the woman for him as soon as they met and adds he couldn’t be prouder of her.

 “I don’t know a lot about her world,” he says. “But when I came onto the set while she was filming Beauty and the Geek [BATG], I was blown away by her talent. She’s incredible. I’m a very lucky guy.”

Sophie Monk and Joshua Gross have a ‘perfect’ relationship. (Credit: WHO)

Here, Monk dishes on their ‘perfect’ relationship and upcoming wedding plans

So, where are you both at with organising your big day?

We haven’t organised anything yet but I’m not worried.

Will you tie the knot this year?

I think so. When it does happen, it’s going to be a very casual, low-key wedding. That might surprise some people, but it’s what we both want.

The couple are hoping to marry this year. (Credit: Instagram)

Are you becoming a bridezilla?

I don’t think so. I haven’t started up any wedding mood boards! My ideas change all the time, too, like what do I want to wear? I think the one thing we’re certain about is that we want it to be low key. We want it to just be about Josh and me. If we have too many guests and it turns into this whole big saga, I’ll just go into full performance mode.

Well, you do have the beginnings of a plan then!

Yes, we’ve just got to pin down a date and it will most likely be somewhere close to our Central Coast home [in NSW].

Sophie and Joshua met on a flight in 2018. (Credit: WHO)

You and Josh famously met on a flight in 2018 and got engaged on Christmas Day last year. Why does it work between you?

We have so much in common. I knew as soon as I met him that he was a good one. He’s just so intelligent and he has a great sense of humour. He’s also not fazed by what I do for work and all the attention that comes with it.

Do you see yourself with kids?

I’ve never had a five-year plan but you hope you can have it all, don’t you? We’d love a family of our own though. I just can’t tell you when.

Sophie is also hosting Beauty and the Geek this year. (Credit: WHO)

Work-wise, you’re now playing matchmaker as the host of BATG …

When I was asked to do this show, which is back after like seven years, the producers were like, “You’re perfect because you’re a geek!” I was like, “I’m not a geek. I’m a dork. A geek is smart!” But I get what they were trying to say. It’s the perfect show for me though.

What do you love about it?

Everyone loves the makeovers that the geeks receive, but it’s all about the growth of the beauties and the geeks as well. It’s such a feel-good show and it’s what we all need now. Of all the TV shows I’ve done over the past 20 years [including Love Island Australia, Australia’s Got Talent and The Bachelorette], I think I’m proudest of doing this one.

WATCH BELOW: Sophie Monk shows off whopping ring in Instagram story. Story continues below…

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You’re in a great place personally and professionally. What would a younger Sophie make of where you’re at in life right now?

I really badly failed school. I know now that I have attention deficit disorder [ADD] but when you’re a kid and you’re struggling at school and don’t know why, it really affects your confidence. Performing was all I could do, so I relied on that and my sense of humour to get through. I never believed then that I could be an entertainer, but every day I feel blessed and lucky that I found something I could do. To be where I am right now though, with Josh and with work, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. Pinch me!

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