The five TV shows you need to know about this week

We watched all of this stuff so you don't need to - yet!

If you’re stuck for what to watch, the team from WHO’s Binge List TV podcast – Gavin Scott, Clare Rigden and Matthew Denby – have done the viewing for you this week!

Here’s what to be aware of – what to watch, and what to avoid – over the coming few days.

Meghan: she’s married and she’s gone! (Credit: Suits)

Suits, Season 8 (Universal Channel, Foxtel)

This show is most famous these days as the former home of a certain royal bride. You might have heard of her – Meghan Markle!

She’s gone, obviously, but plenty of people are probably going to be tuning into season 8 based on the lingering royal buzz.

‘Even though two original characters are now gone, Harvey is still there and the show really does revolve him,’ says Gavin of the set-up for season 8. ‘It’s pretty much business as usual – and that means hirings, firings and mergers.’

You might find this ‘a bit impenetrable’ if you’re just tuning in for the first time, says Matt.

‘Obviously there is a large Meghan Markle-sized hole they needed to fill here,’ notes Clare of the decision to add Katherine Heigl to the cast.

If you’re a newbie curious about Suits, maybe check out older seasons on Netflix.

Rachel is back on Aussie TV! (Credit: SBS)

Dead Lucky (From June 25 on SBS)

Muriel’s Wedding icon Rachel Griffiths is back on the Aussie small screen after a highly successful stint in Hollywood, with new cop drama Dead Lucky.

This series is filled with local talent, including Justine Clarke, Lincoln Younes and Rhys Muldoon.

This one divided the team, with Clare hating it – ‘I really didn’t enjoy this – even though I love Rachel Griffiths’ – and Matt finding a lot to enjoy in the gritty and very modern depiction of big city Aussie life.

Despite their differing views, there was one thing everyone hated – the absurdly caricatured ‘nasty, greedy bogan’ convenience store owner character – a role Justine Clarke is given the unenviable task of trying to make believable.

Gavin describes the character as ‘bloody awful, annoying and unrealistic’, while Matt calls the role ‘about as subtle as a brick in the face – it was really quite silly.’

He adds: ‘But I would watch this show again. It kept my attention, which is a relief after a run of really boring Aussie duds recently.’

Anh paints quite a picture with Terri. (Credit: ABC)

Anh’s Brush With Fame (on ABC and iView)

Aussie icon Anh Do is a man of many talents – comedian, author and artist. We get to see some of those skills – as well as another skill, interviewer, in Anh’s Brush With Fame, with a brand new season of the popular series out now.

‘This is one of those shows that keeps getting better,’ says Clare.

Anh’s got some great guests this season, including Terri Irwin and Adam Goodes – and he manages to make them feel right at home as he extracts some very raw and personal recollections.

‘Anh’s got a really genuine energy that draws the best out of his interview subjects,’ says Matt. ‘It feels like they are just in his living room having a chat.’

If you want to hear Anh talk about how he gets the best of his subjects, he tells all in this week’s episode of Binge List (links at the bottom of this page, or you can have a listen on our embedded player).

Benedict acts his socks off (Credit: BBC First)

Patrick Melrose (on BBC First)

A story of addiction and personal struggle over a period of decades, this one is sometimes harrowing – but it is wowing the critics.

‘This has just been nominated – both the show and the lead actor, Benedict Cumberbatch – for Emmy Awards,’ says Gavin. ‘He gives a masterclass in acting in this series. I’ve never seen anyone act quite so hard.

‘It’s obviously high-quality drama, but I don’t think it will be for everyone.

‘I did feel it was making be work a little too hard.’

Clare says Cumberbatch is ‘next level exceptional’ in this. Others have described it as ‘traumatic and hilarious’ – although she says she didn’t find anything here to laugh about. Indeed, this one comes with a warning for those sensitive to depictions of child abuse.

Marcella: don’t forget her! (Credit: Netflix)

Marcella (Netflix, and on ABC from August 3)

The best shows are often to overlooked ones, and Clare would like to cast the spotlight on Anna Friel’s turn as Marcella. She has been nominated for an Emmy for this Scandi-noir style show, set in London.

‘Anna is fantastic in her performance as a police detective who suffers periodic blackouts; periods of times where she comes to and has no idea what she’s done.

‘She’s investigating some crimes but also trying to piece together some things that have happened to her.’

This show can get very dark, so if that’s your bag, check this one out – it’s definitely worth a look.

You can check out detailed discussions of all of these shows – plus an interview with Anh Do and a lot more – in this week’s episode of Binge List.  Subscribe on iTunes or via OMNY, or listen below:

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