It’s been a big year for model and TV presenter Fiona Falkiner, 37, and fiancé Hayley Willis, 30. After documenting their IVF journey, the couple are thrilled to be expecting a baby boy next year.
“I feel amazing and so incredibly blessed because we went through a lot to get to this point,” says Falkiner.
“Every day we are so thankful to be here and we can’t wait for bub to come along and to start this new chapter of our lives.”
“It’s bub’s first photoshoot!” adds Willis, a Channel Nine reporter.

Fi, how do you feel pregnant?
Falkiner: The bigger my bump gets, the more I embrace it and the sexier and more confident I feel. I am excited to get the big bump, I think that’s really sexy; it’s going to be amazing.
Willis: I love everything happening to Fiona’s body…she’s making our family dreams come true.

When do you feel your sexiest?
Falkiner: I feel my sexiest when I’m with her [Willis]. I get glammed up a lot for work and so that’s the external part of me getting hair and make-up done and putting clothes on, but sexy is not necessarily what you look like; it’s a feeling of what’s going on, on the inside. Even when I’m having a rough day she manages to make me feel beautiful and sexy.
Willis: I feel the same. I feel sexy when I’m just at home with you [Falkiner]. It’s funny because it’s nothing to do with looks; it’s a feeling.
Falkiner: To know that they’re loved and also just having respect and kindness towards everyone, it doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from, what gender you are, what sexual orientation you are.

What do you find sexiest about each other?
Willis: Right now, her bump. Every day she looks more beautiful than the day before.
Falkiner: Her laugh and smile; it can light up a room. I kind of find it sexy too when she sings to my belly every night, it melts my heart. She is a terrible singer, but it’s so cute.
For more, pick up a copy of WHO’s Sexiest People issue. On sale now!