Kerri-Anne Kennerley loses it in on-air rant

'End life as we know it'
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Kerri-Anne Kennerley launched a tirade against Bill Shorten during a shocking on-air rant, telling viewers that if the Labor party are voted in it would be the “end to life as we know it”.

Just days away from this weekend’s election, the TV star tore several of the politicians policies to shreds during today’s Studio 10 show.

“If Bill Shorten gets in, it’s the end of life as we know it,” Kennerley said.

“Honestly, without question.”

She took particular offence to a rumoured Gender Commission, despite Labor never announcing such concrete plans.

(Credit: Ten)

“One thing I’m seriously outraged about, the millions and millions they’ll spend on a Gender Commission.”

Kennerley’s comment appears to have been prompted by Tasmania’s government passing legislation in April allowing parents to choose whether or not they declared the gender of their child.

“These kids out there who are gender confused, and there’s a percentage of people out there gender confused, they will put up this Commission and we, like Tasmania, will have a child and it won’t be male or female, it will be gender-free,” she said.

Kennerley also had strong opinions about Labor’s proposed cancer care pan, which will reduce costs for those in treatment.

“Throwing money at cancer is just feeding the chooks,” Kennerley said.

“Don’t believe it – dig a little deeper.

“Anybody who believes they’ll be better off if Shorten and the Greens get in is under some whoopy-do cloud. It will never, ever happen. You will tank.”

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