
Kim Kardashian Kids: How Many Children Do Kim & Kanye Have?

The Kardashian-West clan continues to grow
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Kim Kardashian West and North West
Getty Images

It’s no secret that Kim and Kanye always planned on having a big family. Kim’s background is a an extremely family-oriented one. She’s grown up surrounded by siblings and her extended family. Kanye’s family situation is almost a polar opposite. He was an only child living with his mother Donda for the majority of his childhood years but he does have many cousins, some of whom we met when Kanye appeared on Family Feud. Kim’s nationality is Armenian-American, and Kanye’s nationality is African-American and both cultures prioritise love of family and children. The Kardashian-Wests have recently celebrated the birth of their fourth child and their five year wedding anniversary, so now is the perfect time to dive into the background of each of their gorgeous children. 


1. The Oldest Daughter, North West 

Name: North West

Age: North was born 15 June 2013, so she will be turning 6 next month.

Miss North is Kim and Kanye’s oldest child, and welcoming her into the world was not smooth sailing. Kim Kardashian’s first baby saw her in lots of pain, and she even had an emergency labour scare. Kim suffered from pre-eclampsia during her pregnancy with North, and had to deliver at 34 weeks. But the stress didn’t stop there for poor first time mum Kim – after delivery she suffered placenta accreta and had to have further surgery to remove placenta and scar tissue.


Video: Pregnant Kim Kardashian has an emergency labour scare

But North made it here eventually, the first of Kim Kardashian’s kids. Initially, the name ‘North’ was getting thrown around as a rumour for the new baby girl. Anna Wintour, fierce editor of US Vogue, told Kim K and Kanye West that she though North West was a “genius name” and that they should go for it. Fans of Keeping Up With The Kardashians will know that North often gets called Nori or Northie by her family. Miss North is definitely a fashionista in the making. Already she’s showing a keen interest in make-up and fashion, and while some critics say that her famous Mum and Dad should work harder to shield her from this kind of materialism, that’s a pretty big call. Kim’s in fashion and beauty, her husband is in fashion, her aunts are in fashion and beauty, North’s been sat on Kim’s lap front and centre at fashion shows since she was old enough to sit still – so it’s only natural that she’s got a keen interest in what she sees her family doing.


Video: After a small hiccup, North gets this beauty tutorial back on track! Don’t worry North, we’ve all gotten frustrated doing our make-up too.

It only seems like yesterday that the Kardashians were expecting their first child – and now Northie even has an adorable little ‘boyfriend’ in Caiden Mills, son of rapper Consequence. We can’t move onto the next child without mentioning this epic Instagram post that Kim uploaded. Click right to watch North’s gradual realisation that she won’t be wearing Kim’s knee-high snake skin boots today. It’s easy to fall into a trap of believing that Kim Kardashian isn’t a real person, that she’s just some fictional character on television who has bucket loads of money and so that means she doesn’t have a care in the world. This post snaps you right out of that thinking – Kim’s a mum who has to deal with meltdowns just like everyone else.

Her bright personality and her love for crafting bold looks has given rise to a number of hilarious parody social media accounts, one of the best being @norisblackbook. The pictures are all taken from the Kardashian’s accounts, but the captions tell a very different story!


The re-imaged caption reads:

“Kris booked me for a photo shoot that didn’t have craft services. On a 12-hour shoot, the only thing I could find to eat were Goldfish. I made sure to face time Kris to let her know that she’s skating on thin ice with me and this is the last time I do a shoot for @goodamerican”

2. The Oldest Son, Saint West


Name: Saint West

Age: Saint was born on the 5 December 2015, so little Saint will turn 4 this year. 

Saint West was the first boy to be born into the Kardashian West house – and he was so keen to get here that he arrived early! He was born 20 days before his due date, and once again there was significant stress on Kim’s body during the delivery. Kim’s doctors believed that she wouldn’t suffer from placenta accreta during her second pregnancy, but sadly this was the case. Kim managed to deliver naturally but she still experienced  serious blood loss and excruciating pain as her doctors dealt with this placenta accreta. It was all worth it in the end for Kim, who didn’t think she would be able to conceive and carry another child after running into so many complications with North.

Video: Kim Kardashian pregnant with Saint


We don’t see Saint as much on Kim’s Instagram as we see North, but there’s nothing to be read into about that. Realistically, he’s probably so active that Kim can’t get him to stand still for a photo! We know that Hollywood celebrities often feel damned if they do and damned if they don’t when it comes to parenting techniques, so no wonder they feel apprehensive about sharing pictures of them. Take Kim’s caption in the photo below for instance –

Pictured: Kim Kardashian has her hands full as she takes baby Chicago and Saint out.


Kim Kardashian and her children are snapped en route to their next appointment. Kim captioned the photo

“Missing my babies!!!!! P.S mom shammers [sic] its not a pacifier he’s eating candy!”

Kim anticipated that the Internet would come for her if they thought she had allowed her son to suck on a dummy. It’s hard enough being a Mum as it is, let alone your choices making international news headlines!

3. The Youngest Daughter, Chicago


Name: Chicago
Age: Chicago was born 15 January 2018, she is one year old. 

After two difficult pregnancies which caused Kim unimaginable pain and stress (not to mention Dad Kanye who had to live through it all as well) the Kardashian-Wests decided that their next baby would be born via surrogate. They choose a female embryo, but it wasn’t an easy decision. Kim spoke to Elle about the couples’ decision. “It’s a really tricky thing. What sex do you put in?” she said. “I just said, ‘Which one is the healthiest? Pick the healthiest one,’ and that was a girl.”

Keeping their surrogate under wraps was a priority for Kim and Kanye. But after the news of their pregnancy broke in the press, it was revealed that their surrogate’s name was La’Reina Haynes. La’Reina had acted as a surrogate to other parents before she was chosen by Kim and Kanye, and she appeared on the season finale episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians so that she could meet Kris and Kim’s sisters, although her face remained hidden. In the episode, La’Reina spoke about being a surrogate mother. “I like being pregnant. I know it sounds really weird. The pregnancy itself, you know, it just feels natural, like I’m supposed to do it” she explained.


Video: Kim talks about the surrogate experience, and La’Reina Haynes meet Kim’s family.

Kim Kardashian’s kids names are all extremely unique, so how did her and Kanye decide on ‘Chicago’ ? Chicago is Kanye’s hometown and he’s extremely proud to have grown up in The Windy City, so much so that that’s what the Kardashian-Wests decided to name their little daughter. She often get called Chi (pronounced ‘shy’) for short by her immediate family. 

4. The Youngest Son, Psalm


Name: Psalm West

Age: Psalm was born on 9 May 2019, so he’s only a matter of weeks old. 

Kim and Kanye recently welcomed baby number 4, a son who they have named Psalm West. The name Psalm comes from the Old Testament book of Psalms in The Bible. The literal translation of the name is song or instrumental music, which is very fitting considering his father’s profession. Once again, Kim and Kanye used a surrogate but it wasn’t La’Reina this time around. We only have this one imagine of Psalm so far. Kim originally put this post up on both her Twitter and Instagram accounts, but has since deleted it from Instagram. Speculation is this is because of the sheer number of negative comments the photo received regarding the newborn’s safety. Many people voiced concerns that Psalm’s crib was not safe due to all the padding and blankets, and commented, warning about the tragedy of Sudden Unexpected Death in Infants (SUDI). But what is important to remember is that is was probably a split-second staged photo. This isn’t the Kardashian-West’s first child and its certain they know all about safe infant sleeping habits. 


Pictured: The Kardashian-Jenner’s celebrate Psalm’s birth at Kim’s baby shower, which took place a week after his birth.

In a totally ‘back to business’ move, Kim and Kayne have already filed to trademark Psalm West’s name. A US trademark database search shows that Psalm’s name may be used to launch a line of childcare products in the future. The patent covers tonnes of items, including blankets, onesies, cribs, strollers, bottles, baby food, infant formula, and hair accessories. So far each of Kim and Kanye’s children have had their name trademarked,  and none of them even attend school yet. It’s true what they say – money never sleeps!

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