Laura Byrne is about to give birth!

Another Bachelor baby will soon be with us
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It looks like we could be expecting the next Bachelor baby any second now!

With Laura Byrne due to give birth to her first child in the next few days, the reality star and her Bachelor fiancé Matty J decided to take a stroll along Sydney’s gorgeous Bondi to Coogee coastal walk to see if they could tempt the baby to get things moving.

Watch Matty J and Laura go for a stroll to try and get Laura’s waters to break:

Despite being at the tail-end of her pregnancy, Laura looked glowing as she posed for an Instagram pic along the walk. Wearing a comfy jumper and leggings whilst cuddling up to the couple’s pet pooch, Buster, the jewellery designer wrote:

“Got everything crossed (except my legs) that this will be my last preggo post 🤞🏻”.

Later on, Laura also posted a video of the walk to her Instagram stories.

“Just a little update on this baby and he or she does not want to budge!” Matty says to camera.

“So we’re going for a little walk, and hopefully that will kickstart Laura’s waters breaking!”

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