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Colour Analysis: How to become more confident in your clothing and makeup choices

Sorry to break it to you, but black might not be your best colour...
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Shopping for clothes can be a personal process. Whether you’re wanting to change up your style, find the perfect event outfit, or stock up on timeless basics, sometimes it can feel like we have no direction. In a world where most of us have fallen guilty to purchasing an item that never gets worn, we present to you colour analysis.


WATCH: How a professional colour analysis works. Article continues after video.

Colour analysis, or colour consulting, is certainly no new buzzword. You may have even heard of it yourself! While a service in its own right, the ultimate goal of the process is to find your seasonal colours or best colours. Much like the name suggests there are four categories of seasonal colours; Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring. Three sub-groups exist for each of these categories – which a colour analyst can help you narrow down to.

While many of us may resort to black clothing (guilty as charged), it may come as a shock that the staple clothing colour is not as universal as we once thought it was. The horror! Not to worry, as with a colour consult, you can find a way to make the shade work for you.

Colour draping in action. (Credit: Instagram/@yurina_color)

While professional colour analysis has accrued greater interest from the public (thanks, TikTok), the service itself is certainly no new phenomenon. To understand what the service is, how it works, and how you too can benefit, we spoke with Jenny Park of Studio Peona, Sydney‘s first professional colour consulting studio

Having tried this service firsthand, this writer can definitively say it’s life-changing (more on that later). 

What is a colour consultant?

To understand what a colour consultant is, we must understand what the service is first.

“Colour consulting is the process of finding a range of colours that best suit an individual in terms of clothing, make up and hair styling by examining the colour of their facial features,” Park said.


“The exact origin is not well known however it gained popularity in the western world from the 1940s, especially after colour television was invented. Some well known names in the industry include Suzanne Caygill, Bernice Kentner, Carole Jackson, and Doris Pooser.”

A colour consultant is professionally trained to determine your best-suited colours. This is achieved through a colour analysis session.

WATCH: Professional colour draping. Article continues after video.

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How do you find out what your colours are?

After a brief information session on what colour analysis is, in a professional colour consulting session, your consultant start with a process called draping. When speaking to WHO, Park explained her process in further detail:

“First we go through some colour theory and cover basic terms. Then I start draping. I determine the colour of your skin, eye brightness and natural hair brightness to see what kind of contrast you have. Then I use my drapes to find your best tone. After I find your tone, I narrow it down to warm vs cool.”

“When I know which type you are, I will walk you through your least best colour palette, best colour palette, and styling tips for around 20-25 minutes. I include tips for winter/summer and how to still make your non-best colours work. Then I will discuss hair colours with you and go through undertones to avoid vs undertones that will suit you.”

Studio Peona’s colour drapes. (Credit: Instagram)

“Next is make up consulting. We go through your make up pouch and all the products you bring. I match your foundation and apply it on your face. Then I recommend blush, eye shadow and contour products, followed by lipstick testing.”

“Afterwards, I use my jewellery samples and nail colours and walk you through what works best for you. To finish off, I show you a mood board for your type and provide a colour card for you to take home.”

What are the things you look for when determining someone’s colour palette?

When consulting, are you looking at the skin, the eyes, or is it a combination?

“Skin mostly. Eyes when deciding their level of contrast.”


WATCH: TikTok colour analysis filter. Article continues after video. 

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What are the seasonal colour palettes?


Light- Pastel and bright neutrals that are low in saturation and high in brightness. Warm toned.


Clear- Vivid, warm primary colours used together with spring light tone colours to create a large contrast in styling.

Strong- Colours that are slightly darker than primary colours, highly saturated and warm toned.

Spring colour palette. (Credit: Instagram/@studiopeona_colour)



Light-  Cool toned pastel and bright neutrals that are low in saturation and high in brightness. 

Clear- Cool toned pastels that are a lot more saturated but not as bright as primary colours, used with summer light tone colours to create large contrast when styling. 

Mute- Grey, washed out, dull cool tone colours that are middle saturation and brightness. 

Summer colour palette. (Credit: Instagram/@studiopeona_colour)


Mute- Grey, washed out, dull warm tones that are middle saturation and brightness.

Deep- Saturated, rich warm tone colours that remind you of the autumn leaves. Low brightness.

Dark- Highly saturated and very low value warm toned colours.

Autumn colour palette. (Credit: Instagram/@studiopeona_colour)


Strong- Cool tone primary colours used with very pale pastels to create contrast.

Deep- Saturated, rich cool tone colours (navy, teal, purple) Low brightness.


Dark- Highly saturated and very low value cool toned colours, including black.

Winter colour palette. (Credit: Instagram/@studiopeona_colour)

Does a change in seasons affect people’s best colours?

Park says, while your warm/cool undertone doesn’t change, one may move up and down within their personal season depending on tanning. 

This, however, “does not change with age or day to day weather.”


Is a colour consultation worth it?

“Colour consultation is a one off investment that can help you in so many ways when it comes to personal styling. You can buy clothes and make up with more confidence and there is far less chance of ‘failing’ or buying the wrong thing and regretting your purchase.”

“It gives you a deeper understanding of yourself and explains certain things you noticed all throughout your life! e.g. why blue never worked on you, why ash blond washed you out so much, why you don’t suit smoky eyes…”

Amanda Seyfried in her Spring colours vs in a Winter colour palette. (Credit: Getty)

How do I find out my colours at home?


Note: This review was not paid for. All opinions are my own.

As a fashion and beauty fanatic, I’ve always had an interest in personal colour. While I was aware of the traditional Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring colour palettes, after delving into personal colour research, I was blown away by how complex and minute the process actually is.

Seeing as professional colour consultants are not as prevalent in Australia, I was ecstatic to find Jenny at Studio Peona.

While I knew I was a warm tone, finding my actual season and depth of colour palette was extremely tricky to figure out on my own.


Coming in to the studio with a bare face, I was given a brief intro to colour theory which was followed by a draping session.

For a more effective result, she covers your hair and clothing with a white cap and cape to isolate your face. Colour swatches were flicked through, deliberations were made, and I was typed as an Autumn Mute (with Spring Light coming in at a close second).

My personal colour palette. (Credit: WHO)

Much like she explained earlier, Jenny talked me through styling tips according to my colour palette and we then explored best makeup shades, jewellery, and nail colours.


Professional colour consulting is most definitely a hands-on process. Taking an hour and a half in total, you’ll find yourself leaving more empowered about your future clothing, makeup, and hair choices.

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