
MAFS Elizabeth defends ‘Cyclone Cyrell”

'She's got a good heart'
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She’s been nicknamed ‘Cyclone Cyrell’ for her destructive, whirlwind behaviour on Married At First Sight.


And despite the chaos bride Cyrell is causing on the show, she can at least count on MAFF BFF Elizabeth to stick by her.

“With Cyrell, she can see past a lot of people… there’s a lot of people in this experiment who have gotten hurt, and she hates to see that,” Elizabeth told the Talking Married panel on Wednesday night.

This week’s dinner party erupted into an explosive fight between feisty Cyrell and cheating bride Jessika.

According to Elizabeth, Cyrell’s empathy for others is what causes her to lash out, when she feels like they’re being treated unfairly.


“She hurts. She actually hurts,” said Elizabeth.


“She sees people being malicious towards others and she cannot stand it, and she’s like, ‘that is not right.'”

Despite some of Cyrell’s on-air fights getting physical, Elizabeth says her friend is aware of her anger issues.


“I think that some people might find it a bit amusing to see her do this ‘cyclone’ personality,” she noted.

“She’s got a good heart, and if you listen to anything that she’s so-called ‘going ballistic over’, her point is extremely valid,” Elizabeth concluded.

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