Netflix issues unprecedented warning about shock scenes

The streaming platform has advice for viewers
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Streaming TV giant Netflix has today taken the extraordinary step of issuing warnings about scenes viewers might want to miss in its new series, Our Planet.


The magnificently photographed series, about life on earth and the impact of climate change, has been in the headlines of late, after some viewers expressed their distress about uncensored scenes of walruses falling to their apparent deaths from steep cliffs.

Now Netflix has issued time codes for those who can’t stomach a view of wildlife and nature that doesn’t spare their feelings.

There are five scenes from the series that Netflix feels might be too much for some; a baby flamingo fatally trapped in a salt pan, killer whales eating a penguin, the infamous walrus fall, a jaguar eating a caiman (an alligator-like creature), and cheetahs despatching a wildebeest.


The time codes for skipping scenes in Our Planet are: One Planet: 16:04 – 16:43, Frozen World: 16:29 – 17:47, 32:50 – 33:45, 48:45 – 51:00, Fresh Water: 26:10 – 27:09, Deserts and Grasslands: 28:45-29:10 and High Seas: 37:42-37:52.

The gruesome scene of walruses plunging to their apparent deaths has been described by producer Sophie Lanfear as ‘the hardest thing I’ve ever had to witness or film in my career’.

‘What we think is going on is that the ones at the top can probably hear the ones in the water, and they can sense that there is water below. They teeter on the edge, and they just can’t work out how to get down there,’ Lanfear told the New York Times. ‘I was expecting that perhaps the walruses would tumble down, but at the end, they’d be O.K. I really wasn’t prepared for the scale of death. So, it’s just tragic. It’s absolutely heartbreaking.’

Our Planet is now available on Netflix. You have been warned!

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