Ruby Rose confirms she’s seeing a new girl on Instagram

But she won't tell who!

Anyone with an Instagram account would be WELL aware of the new update which offers an “ask me anything” function, and it appears Orange Is The New Black actress Ruby Rose has discovered the novelty and is not afraid to post the intimate questions fans have asked her!

Taking to her account, Rose, 32, shared a post which showed a fan quizzing her on her relationship status.

(Credit: Instagram)

“Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?” the fans asked. To which she aptly responded, “My girl… is none of yo business lol.”

So she is seeing someone!

The DJ also answered a question which enquired about her relationship with her former flames.

(Credit: Instagram)

“I have love for everyone I’ve ever been friends with or in love with… For me… I can’t turn that off. I will always have a place in my heart for everyone I spend time with… I am not “in” love with them but I will love them forever. Except maybe the cheaters/liars who broke me… But the rest absolutely.”

Funnily enough, this transparency comes after reports suggested the Australian star was flirting with Demi Lovato on Instagram.

As previously reported on WHO, Rose previously dated Veronicas singer Jessica Origliasso – the two confirmed their split in April this year. 

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